Under the umbrella of KENSTON GROUP® (www.kenston.com) operate interconnected companies, which act as independent solution partners for all aspects of company pension schemes. The focus in this context is the implementation of all possible outsourcing arrangements for direct pension obligations.

In addition, KENSTON GROUP® acts as an investor, co-investor and partner for financing of entrepreneurial sustainable investments. Such implementations are made globally and are central managed.

Beyond that, KENSTON GROUP® offers a range of services including consulting and processing functions that support a company’s overall remuneration operation. These services include, among others:

  • personnel and payroll accounting;
  • retiree payroll.

In this orientation, the KENSTON GROUP®, as a national and international “competence center”, also serves clients from the following groups of persons or areas:

  • tax consultants and auditors (or corresponding companies);
  • lawyers and legal advisors (or corresponding companies);
  • management consultants and high-quality financial service providers (or corresponding companies).

The consulting, set-up, processing, and ongoing monitoring of occupational pension systems requires technical, legal, and organizational effort in high-quality consulting and thus ties up company resources. Through intelligent outsourcing, the KENSTON GROUP® enables comprehensive cost reduction while minimizing liability or simultaneously excluding liability for employers and the consultants involved. This results in innovation and uniqueness.

Within the framework of the KENSTON solutions, indispensable legal and pension advisory activities are outsourced to affiliated authorized service providers. In this context, Kenston Services GmbH and Kenston Pension GmbH take over the coordination and handling of all related legal and pension advisory activities and provide employers (and the associated employees) with an all-encompassing and legally secure bAV back office. KENSTON Business GmbH assumes corresponding coordination functions within the scope of the investor activities of the KENSTON GROUP®.

The shareholders and executives of the KENSTON GROUP® are Mr. Sebastian Uckermann (CEO) and Mr. Patrick Drees (COO).

Mr. Uckermann, court-approved pension consultant for occupational pensions, is also “Chairman of the Bundesverband der Rechtsberater für betriebliche Altersversorgung und Zeitwertkonten e.V.” (BRBZ/Federal Association) and author of numerous practical and scientific publications in the field of occupational pensions. In addition, Mr. Uckermann is editor and author of a standard commentary on occupational pensions published by Beck-Verlag.

Mr. Drees, graduated in business administration and court-approved pension consultant for occupational pensions, is member of the Board of Trustees of the BRBZ and author of numerous practical and scientific publications in the field of occupational pensions. In addition, Mr. Drees is author of a standard commentary on occupational pensions published by Beck-Verlag.