Reference book by Sebastian Uckermann
Betriebliche Altersversorgung und Zeitwertkonten
Arbeits- und Sozialrecht, Steuer- und Bilanzrecht
2nd revised and updated edition 2014
ISBN 978-3-7910-3250-4
Schäffer-Poeschel Verlag für Wirtschaft · Steuern · Recht GmbH,
Stuttgart (
Sebastian Uckermann, court-approved pension consultant for occupational pensions, is CEO of the KENSTON GROUP® and “Chairman of the Bundesverband der Rechtsberater für betriebliche Altersversorgung und Zeitwertkonten e.V.” (Federal Association) as well as author of numerous practical and scientific publications in the field of occupational pensions. In addition, Mr. Uckermann is editor and author of a standard commentary on occupational pensions published by Beck-Verlag.
Arguing confidently in matters of labor and tax law. Due to the interaction of labor and social security law, tax and accounting law, civil law, insolvency law and insurance law, the law governing company pension plans represents a very complex and therefore also liability-relevant area of consulting. The legal situation in the area of time value and working time accounts is similarly complex. With detailed explanations and suggestions for action, the application-oriented practitioner’s guide provides relief.
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